Energize Your Brain and Body

Energize Your Life, Achieve Food Freedom, and Discover Calm and Contentment

Functional Nutrition and Life Coaching

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Tame Inflammation and Ignite Your Healing Process

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What Do You Need Help With Today?







Revitalize Your Energy and Cultivate Inner Calm with our Essential Health Support

I understand the frustration of being exhausted, not knowing what food plan is right for you, and spending time and money searching for answers to persistent symptoms like chronic fatigue, digestive issues, migraines, joint pain, weight challenges, and more.

It can be disheartening to feel stuck in a cycle of uncertainty. I empathize with your journey, and Functional Nutrition Counseling is designed to break through the challenges you've faced and find a unique solution for you!

This is not a quick fix or a diet plan but a genuine resolution to more energy, food freedom, and a sense of overall calm.

I believe in providing not just solutions but tangible results, guiding you towards a path of lasting relief and well-being.

Finally, we hear you

I just had an amazing sales call,

I cannot wait for the next one! I was able to help my client step into her feminine energy and really visualize it.

Rachael Weaver

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Taking small and consistent steps in the right direction leads to healing from the inside out!

Rachel Carta

Registered Nurse

Functional Nutrition Counselor and Life Coach

Bestselling Author of Secrets to Authentic Happiness

What is Functional Nutrition?

Functional Nutrition is a way of looking at health that's all about treating each person as an individual.

Instead of just focusing on symptoms, it looks at the whole body and tries to figure out what's causing health issues. Then, it creates a plan specifically for that person to help their body work better.

This approach understands that everything in our bodies is connected, so it tries to fix the root of the problem rather than just covering it up. It considers things like our genes, how our bodies work, and our lifestyle to come up with a plan that fits each person's needs.

Functional Nutrition emphasizes eating real, healthy food, managing stress, staying active, and other things that help our bodies stay healthy.

You are Unique

Unlocking vibrant health and healing from persistent symptoms is a unique journey for each individual – there's no one-size-fits-all solution.

We embrace your uniqueness and tailor our Functional Nutrition Counseling approach accordingly. Recognizing that everyone is different, our focus is on cultivating simple yet effective habits that, when consistently applied, can significantly impact your health.

Say goodbye to the chaos of more diets and health plans and embrace a path that leads to more energy, confidence in your food choices, and an overall feeling of calm in your life.

This isn't just about addressing symptoms; it's a transformative journey towards holistic well-being. Join us on this personalized path to uncover the key to your optimal health and a life filled with vitality.

Discover relief from persistent symptoms and reclaim your vitality with our personalized Functional Nutrition Counseling.

Common chronic issues we specialize in addressing:

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Digestive Discomfort

  • Mood Swings

  • Brain Fog

  • Weight Challenges

  • Hormonal Imbalances

  • Sleep Disturbances

Welcome to Rachel Carta Coaching. Have a look at our About page. Click on our Success Stories page and meet some of the people we’ve worked with.

When you’re ready, download the FREE eBook, Chaos to Calm, 4 Steps to Calm Your Worried Mind, Now or 7 Days to Kickstart Your Path to Vibrant Health.

If you're serious about creating a healthier and happier life, book a call and let's chat.

Lots of love and unwavering belief in you,

Rachel Carta

Registered Nurse

Functional Nutrition Counselor and Life Coach

Author of the bestselling book, Secrets to Authentic Happiness

Yesterday, I signed my 4th coaching client! Pilot program full!

Shelly West

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Yesterday, I signed my 4th coaching client! Pilot program full!

Shelly West

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I enrolled 2 new students today. First 2 in 1 day ever!

Sara Ceo

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You always have a way of reminding me that perspective is everything!

The world is so broken right now and there is only so much one person can do I remind myself daily how truly blessed I am. My husband, children, and grandchildren and my health are my most treasured blessings. Thank you for your powerful words.


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She encourages reflection, gratitude, and an appreciation for life

Rachel’s courses, one-on-one coaching sessions, and weekly messages are something I look forward to and greatly benefit my life. She encourages reflection, gratitude, and an appreciation for life. She’s very understanding and knowledgeable. She gives tips that you can start right away using in everyday life.


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I learned lessons in how to deal with the small, less dramatic, obstacles in life.

Rachel makes me feel like I can accomplish what I want; she makes me feel stronger, more centered, and just more capable than I was before being around her. Rachel is steady and keeps us grounded. I learned lessons in how to deal with the small, less dramatic, obstacles in life. I can honestly say that Rachel didn’t just make me stronger physically, but a better person overall. The way I dealt with everyday matters changed so slightly and for the better because of Rachel.


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- Clients Name

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