Energize Your Brain and Body

For Those Struggling with Chronic Symptoms

How to Boost Energy and Finally Find Relief

Without Dieting

What would you like help with today?

Schedule a Free Wellness Empowerment Session for a personalized assessment to achieve lasting relief. Gain from professional insights, targeted nutrition, focused lifestyle adjustments, and steadfast encouragement.

Download my Free 3-Step Guide to boost your energy and find relief. This is the place to start if you're wondering how to finally feel better in your body and support your chronic symptoms, without all the confusion and strict protocols.

You’re exhausted, struggling, and feel like you're missing out on life because of how you feel...

Maybe you’ve tried everything to feel better without finding lasting relief.

Diet after diet, treatment after treatment, and nothing seems to stick long-term or provide the relief from troubling symptoms that you long for.

You’re frustrated and want someone to finally see the complete picture of your health, rather than just addressing bits and pieces during short doctor visits.

Without knowing how to address your unique needs, you’ll continue to feel exhausted and frustrated day after day.

I Can Help

Most diets, protocols, and treatments offered today don’t work for everyone. That’s because we are all unique; one size simply doesn’t fit all.

Also, 95% of diets fail long-term, whether you’re following a diet for weight management or to address chronic health symptoms. This can leave you feeling frustrated, confused, and stuck in a cycle of trial and error.

There's a significant difference between reading health articles and trying random tips and finding a personalized, science-based, step-by-step holistic approach tailored to your unique needs.

What Do You Need Help With Today?







I just had an amazing sales call,

I cannot wait for the next one! I was able to help my client step into her feminine energy and really visualize it.

Rachael Weaver

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I finally feel like I know what to do to take control of my health.

Rachel listened to my story and she was able to hear what I really needed. I finally feel like I know what to do to take control of my health. No more sitting on the sidelines waiting. I’m going to live my life.


There's a Better Way...

I focus on understanding the root causes of your symptoms and suggest personalized solutions —without the restrictions of diets and rigid rules.

I’ll also address why it can be challenging to stick to a health plan and provide you with the mindset tools needed to overcome any resistance you feel.

Finally Feel Healthy and

Energetic Again

with Personalized Functional Nutrition Counseling

Common chronic symptoms I specialize in supporting:

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Stress

  • Blood Sugar Issues

  • Digestive Issues

  • Sleep Troubles

  • Autoimmune Conditions

  • Brain Fog

  • Chronic Pain

  • Hormone Imbalances

What is Functional Nutrition?

Functional Nutrition is an approach to health that treats each person as an individual.

Instead of just focusing on symptoms, it looks at the whole body to understand the underlying causes of health issues. This approach creates a personalized plan to help the body function optimally.

Understanding that everything in our bodies is interconnected, Functional Nutrition aims to address the root causes of problems rather than merely masking symptoms. It takes into account factors like genes, body functions, and lifestyle to create a plan tailored to each person’s unique needs.

Functional Nutrition emphasizes eating real, healthy food, managing stress, staying active, and other practices that support overall health.

Welcome to Rachel Carta Coaching. Have a look at my About page. Click on the Success Stories page and meet some of the people I've worked with.

When you’re ready, download the Free eBook: Chaos to Calm, 4 Steps to Calm Your Worried Mind, Now or the Free Guide: Boost Energy and Finally Find Relief from Troubling Symptoms - Without Dieting.

Lots of love and unwavering belief in you,

Rachel Carta, RN

Functional Nutrition Counselor and Life Coach

Author of the bestselling book, Secrets to Authentic Happiness

I Feel Better Than I Have in Years

I reached out to Rachel after spending much of my 30s and 40s in a cycle of muscle pain, anxiety, insomnia, and brain fog. It was the best decision! Her knowledge and expertise in functional medicine, coaching, and meditation have been life changing.  Now I have the tools to address what comes my way each day. I felt she really heard me and taught me how starting with small changes can have a great impact over time. I feel better than I have in years, and confident I can continue this journey! Thank you Rachel!


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How Can I Support You Today?

Schedule a Free Wellness Empowerment Session for a personalized assessment to achieve lasting relief. Gain from professional insights, targeted nutrition, focused lifestyle adjustments, and steadfast encouragement.

Download my Free 3-Step Guide to boost your energy and find relief. This is the place to start if you're wondering how to finally feel better in your body and support your chronic symptoms, without all the confusion and strict protocols.

Boost Your Well-Being with Trusted Supplements, Delivered to Your Door

During your personalized sessions with Rachel, you'll receive expert guidance on supplements tailored to enhance your healing journey. Enjoy a 10% discount on your favorite supplements when you shop below. Elevate your health with quality you can trust and convenience you’ll love.

(You'll be prompted to create a profile in Fullscript from the link below.)

Yesterday, I signed my 4th coaching client! Pilot program full!

Shelly West

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Yesterday, I signed my 4th coaching client! Pilot program full!

Shelly West

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I enrolled 2 new students today. First 2 in 1 day ever!

Sara Ceo

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You always have a way of reminding me that perspective is everything!

The world is so broken right now and there is only so much one person can do I remind myself daily how truly blessed I am. My husband, children, and grandchildren and my health are my most treasured blessings. Thank you for your powerful words.


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She encourages reflection, gratitude, and an appreciation for life

Rachel’s courses, one-on-one coaching sessions, and weekly messages are something I look forward to and greatly benefit my life. She encourages reflection, gratitude, and an appreciation for life. She’s very understanding and knowledgeable. She gives tips that you can start right away using in everyday life.


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I learned lessons in how to deal with the small, less dramatic, obstacles in life.

Rachel makes me feel like I can accomplish what I want; she makes me feel stronger, more centered, and just more capable than I was before being around her. Rachel is steady and keeps us grounded. I learned lessons in how to deal with the small, less dramatic, obstacles in life. I can honestly say that Rachel didn’t just make me stronger physically, but a better person overall. The way I dealt with everyday matters changed so slightly and for the better because of Rachel.


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