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Where can I find Rachel teaching yoga LIVE?

Thursdays at 6:30 pm at Lewisburg Yoga Studio, in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania

Future Live Event Offerings will be listed here.

I just had an amazing sales call,

I cannot wait for the next one! I was able to help my client step into her feminine energy and really visualize it.

Rachael Weaver

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Stop waiting for happiness to come from something else. The time is now.

Rachel Carta, RN

Author, Life Coach

Founder: Inspired Motion Academy

We are different.

Sometimes, we need to learn to navigate the challenges that are in front of us. Other times, we need to make changes to reduce all of the chaos. Simply put, staying the same isn’t working anymore.

There is no perfect product that will fix all of the problems of life. But there are new ways to see your world that can greatly impact your health, love, meaning, and joy.

We teach our clients a new way. It is a simple and effective program that teaches you how to get control of your life so you can live an empowered life, full of peace, meaning and joy.

Not only have clients learned to find more joy, they have found greater connection to their kids and spouses, advanced their careers, and increased their health and vitality.

Welcome to Rachel Carta Coaching and Inspired Motion Academy. Have a look at our About page. Click on our Clients page and meet some of the people we’ve worked with.

And when you’re ready, click below to watch a complimentary training about the exact process we use to help our clients find more joy, even in the chaos of life, without wasting anymore of your precious life with all the striving to be more and do more.

You matter. Your life matters. It is time to live the life you were designed to live.

All the best,

Rachel Carta

Author | Empowerment Coach

Founder: Inspired Motion Academy

Yesterday, I signed my 4th coaching client! Pilot program full!

Shelly West

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Yesterday, I signed my 4th coaching client! Pilot program full!

Shelly West

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I enrolled 2 new students today. First 2 in 1 day ever!

Sara Ceo

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You always have a way of reminding me that perspective is everything!

The world is so broken right now and there is only so much one person can do I remind myself daily how truly blessed I am. My husband, children, and grandchildren and my health are my most treasured blessings. Thank you for your powerful words.

Nancy B.

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She encourages reflection, gratitude, and an appreciation for life

Rachel’s courses, one-on-one coaching sessions, and weekly messages are something I look forward to and greatly benefit my life. She encourages reflection, gratitude, and an appreciation for life. She’s very understanding and knowledgeable. She gives tips that you can start right away using in everyday life.


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I learned lessons in how to deal with the small, less dramatic, obstacles in life.

Rachel makes me feel like I can accomplish what I want; she makes me feel stronger, more centered, and just more capable than I was before being around her. Rachel is steady and keeps us grounded. I learned lessons in how to deal with the small, less dramatic, obstacles in life. I can honestly say that Rachel didn’t just make me stronger physically, but a better person overall. The way I dealt with everyday matters changed so slightly and for the better because of Rachel.


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- Clients Name

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